The Lord came to Abraham in a vision: “Do not be afraid, Abraham, I am your shield.”

God had a profound love of Abraham. Also, Abraham trusted the Lord, so God wanted to give him a reward. Abraham had no child wanted very much to have one. One day, God came to Abraham and said: “Do not be afraid. I am your great God.” God blessed Abraham but that made another struggle because, still, Abraham had no child. It was a very hard time for Abraham. His life was not matching with God’s blessing at that moment.

Many times, we face a similar situation. We have hope with prayer, but our reality is very different. We need to remember that God never changes and He said, “No one but your very own issue shall be your heir.” God said do not be disappointed and promised He would give Abraham his very own child and that this child would be his heir. Suddenly, God brought Abraham outside and said, “Look toward heaven and count the stars, if you are able to count them, so shall your descendants be”. God showed Abraham the stars and God promised him to have descendants like the stars. Can you imagine?

I went on mission trip several times for Native Americans, in the Navajo Nation, located in the middle of Arizona, California and the Grand Canyon. I visited one Navajo Nation’s town, which is located in Grey Mountain. The height is 10,388 feet, which is very high. One missionary brought our group to a secret side of the Grand Canyon in the Navajo nation and led us to a very deep place in the mountain. When we arrived where the missionary led us, I saw an amazing view of the stars. They filled the whole sky. I wanted to show everyone. In that moment, I recognized that God really wanted to bless Abraham. Why? Abraham believed the Lord, and the Lord reckoned it to him as righteousness. Abraham believed the Lord.

Why did God love Abraham? Why did God trust him? What is his righteousness? It was not because of his ability, but Abraham believed in God, to whom God called righteous. If you want to walk with God and have a righteous life like Abraham, then you need to see the stars and believe in God without any doubt. How can we hear and see the stars? I can clearly say to you that you can do this through the Bible. Please read the Bible and believe in God.

What are your stars? My star is the church. God showed me and led me to ministry. I do not minister by my plan. I try to follow God’s will. Every day from Monday to Friday at 5:30am to 6:30am, I come to the sanctuary and pray to God for Bayside UMC, the Shepherd UMC, and all God’s churches, nations, and the world. I believe God will give me the wisdom to lead the church. I believe God will give you the spiritual eyes to distinguish what is right and what God wants to see from you.

Categories: EDUCATION

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